The amount that punters can spend per spin on an online slot in the United Kingdom has changed, as restrictions came into effect on September 1st.
Gamblers under 25 years of age can now only bet £2 per spin, while those older than 25 can bet up to £5 per spin. There wasn't a limit on online slots, but fixed odds machines in pubs and other locations have had a £2 limit in place for five years.
There will also be checks on player financial risks conducted by the UK Gambling Commission, with the system working as a pilot programme that will initially check on punters who deposit more than £500 per month. Credit agencies and gaming operators will take a look at gamblers to determine whether they're at risk of gambling-related harm. The threshold for the checks will move down to £150 per month at the end of February.
Online slots are big business in the UK, as they generated £3.2 billion in revenue in 2023. The impact of limiting the bets of gamblers will likely negatively impact the bottom line of operators, although some sites began limiting bet amounts on their own before this new rule.
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