This week the Kansspelautoriteit, which serves as the Netherlands' gaming regulator, has issued an order to two Dutch influencers to remove a YouTube video that they claim has an illegal advertisement included.
The regulator was made aware of the ads after a complaint was filed. During the video, the two influencers spoke positively about the unnamed site, but blurred the company's logo in order to try and be compliant. Unfortunately, that didn't work and the ad was still ruled to be in violation of Dutch law and was thereby ordered to be removed.
News of the order comes days after the KSA asked racing team Sauber not to display livery on its F1 car that participated in the Dutch Grand Prix, as the operator is not licenced in the country. It appears that the team didn't listen to that request, as images of the race show the company's logo on the car.
No comment from the KSA or the influencers involved was available at press time.
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