KSA Investigating Operators Over Player Losses

This story was published more than 1 year ago.

Netherlands gaming regulator Kansspelautoriteit has announced that it is investigating a number of gaming operators it causes of allowing extensive player losses.

The investigation was announced by KSA chairman Rene Jansen, who said that current limits for players are not comprehensive, and some operators set very high maximum deposits for players, allowing them to lose large amounts. Current Dutch law requires sites to implement deposit limits but doesn't specify what they should be.

Regarding the investigation, Jansen said, "We have also seen other excesses that raise questions about how providers deal with their duty of care. I am talking about excessive financial losses for players - tens of thousands of euros - in a short period of time, without any decisive action being taken by the provider concerned. The KSA has therefore launched a broad investigation into the implementation of the duty of care."

No indication as to the changes that'll be required or penalties enforced for those found to have high deposit limits was made publicly available.

Casino Listings News will update readers as appropriate.

About the author

Therese Williams // UK Correspondent
Therese Williams
Therese is a fervent fan of slot machines and pub fruities, often trying her luck at some of the top online casinos. She covers news for Casino Listings with a focus on the UK and Europe. Therese studied arts and creative writing at university and has written for newspapers in the UK.