Online betting giant 888 has announced the launch of their new Control Centre, which allows the group the chance to monitor gambling behaviors in an effort to ensure responsible gambling.
The Control Centre is first launching in the UK and will be accessible from the company's homepage. Here you'll be able to look through your gambling behaviors while also letting you implement different controls like deposit limits, play limits, self-exclusion, and more. Responsible gaming controls are more important than ever for those in regulated markets, as regulators have begun enforcing stiff penalties for those who aren't in compliance.
Commenting on the launch 888 CEO Itai Pazner said, "As part of our wider Safer Gambling Week initiatives, we are delighted to announce the phased roll-out our latest safe gambling innovation, the Control Centre, initially launching to our customers in the UK this November. The first phase of the Control Centre will focus on making safe gambling tools more accessible and visible to customers, with several additional safe gambling product features due to be integrated over the coming months.
"The Control Centre has been developed over a number of months and we have identified new ways to ensure safe gambling remains at the heart of the user experience for all 888 players from the first time they visit our websites. The Control Centre will be an integral part of 888's product offering moving forward and reflects our commitment to invest resources and expertise to create industry-leading, user friendly and AI -driven safe gambling tools.
"Our business rests on ensuring our customers are empowered to make safe and responsible decisions about their gambling. We are committed to continually investing in our teams and technology to prevent gambling-related harm and we are confident that this innovative feature will offer customers new levels of data and clear, transparent insights that will help them to stay informed and in control."
The Control Centre will be launching in additional markets in the coming months.