New Jersey Gaming Revenues Rise in September

This story was published more than 3 years ago.

This week the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement reported the Garden State's gambling revenue for the month of September, reporting that revenues as a whole were up 6.5% from last year.

The total revenues for the month reached $323.3 million, up from last year and down $300,000 from the total generated in August. Sportsbetting was up 19% to $45.1 million, with the return of NFL football as well as NBA and NHL playoffs helping spur interest in wagers being placed. Handle for the activity was $748.6 million, up 68% from last year.

Online betting revenues for the month totaled $87,633,697, just about flat from the month prior. The top casinos in terms of revenue were: Golden Nugget, Borgata, Resorts Gaming, and Caesars.

About the author

Dustin Jermalowicz // News Editor
Dustin Jermalowicz
Dustin has a long-standing passion for gambling. He has been writing professionally on the subject and breaking industry news for Casino Listings since 2011. His favorite casino games include Blackjack, Poker, and Hi/Lo. A proud native of Detroit, Dustin currently lives in Michigan.