Louisiana Will Re-Open Casinos With 25% Capacity

This story was published more than 4 years ago.

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has eased restrictions in his state which will allow casinos to re-open today, albeit with a max 25% capacity.

The order will allow casinos and racetracks to open today, which follows the re-opening of restaurants, gyms, malls, cinemas, museums, and cafes, which took place on May 15th. Tables will be able to take on 50% of their positions, and overall capacity will be limited to 25%. Racetracks will be opened, but nobody will be allowed in the stands to spectate.

The casino industry is still largely closed within the United States, although states are starting to slowly open up, and casinos will at some point open as well. Various changes to operating procedures are going to be implemented, bringing new sanitization, social distancing, and physical barriers implemented to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

We'll be sure to update readers as the re-opening plans go into effect.

About the author

Dustin Jermalowicz // News Editor
Dustin Jermalowicz
Dustin has a long-standing passion for gambling. He has been writing professionally on the subject and breaking industry news for Casino Listings since 2011. His favorite casino games include Blackjack, Poker, and Hi/Lo. A proud native of Detroit, Dustin currently lives in Michigan.