GAN Will Enter Michigan Market

This story was published more than 4 years ago.

Online betting group Game Account Network (GAN) will enter the Michigan gaming market in 2021 after they signed an agreement with the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

The deal will see the two partnering with an unknown national casino brand, and will deploy an online casino to residents of the state. An identity of the national brand isn't known at this time, as the group wants to remain anonymous until they get a gaming license through the state. The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians runs the Kewadin brands of casinos, which are located in the Upper Peninsula of the state.

Michigan has 10 million people living within its borders, with the vast majority living down in the Detroit area. This agreement will give Kewadin a chance to expand their operations, as the products will see them earning royalties from gamblers in regions that they've never reached before.

We'll update readers as we learn more about the agreement.

About the author

Dustin Jermalowicz // News Editor
Dustin Jermalowicz
Dustin has a long-standing passion for gambling. He has been writing professionally on the subject and breaking industry news for Casino Listings since 2011. His favorite casino games include Blackjack, Poker, and Hi/Lo. A proud native of Detroit, Dustin currently lives in Michigan.