The state of Louisiana will possibly be taking a look at the possibility of legalizing online gambling, as a piece of legislation that authorized such an investigation passed through the state's House of Representatives.
The measure, which is officially dubbed the Louisiana House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution 3, soared through the House with a 62-22 margin. The bill's stated purpose is " study the feasibility and practicality of authorising Internet gaming". If the measure gets through both legislative branches, a recommendation will be made before the start of next year's legislative session.
The bill was introduced by Lousiana State Representative Mike Huval, who says of the bill: “It’s not a matter of if, it’s just a matter of when it's (internet gambling) going to happen. I’m not promoting gambling. I want to provide a way to make it safer for our residents.”
The state Senate will now take up the measure and vote whether or not is should pass.