Almost a year after PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker owner The Rational Group paid the US government hundreds of millions of dollars to refund player balances, the money still has not started to be refunded. It also appears that any repayment will be a long time in coming.
The claim administrator put into place by the US government also claims that the feds are still trying to decide on a payment process with an appropriate formula in order to pay out claims. The group, which is formally known as the Garden City Group says that they are currently sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars
Furthermore, those in a hurry should not be expecting to see their money any time soon. The Garden City Group is estimating that player refunds will not start until late 2014 or early 2015.
Casino Listings news readers will remember of course that all non-American players were refunded quite a while ago. We will keep on this story and let you know the latest news.