Another Federal Attempt To Legalize Online Poker Looming

This story was published more than 11 years ago.

Washington D.C. based political publication Politico is reporting that U.S. Representative Peter King (Republican- New York) is planning to introduce a bill that would legalize online poker in the United States at a federal level.

King, a big proponent of online gambling, is the latest in a string of politicians who will attempt to get some form of internet gambling passed through at a federal level. Others who have attempted such legislation include Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (who tried twice), and Texas Representative Joe Barton. All previous attempts have failed, with many politicians not being interested in taking up the measure.

While no details have been formally revealed, it is thought that the bill would address state lotteries and the rights of individual states to pass their own laws.

Casino Listings will make sure to keep on top of this story, with any relevant details being published through our news feed.

About the author

Dustin Jermalowicz // News Editor
Dustin Jermalowicz
Dustin has a long-standing passion for gambling. He has been writing professionally on the subject and breaking industry news for Casino Listings since 2011. His favorite casino games include Blackjack, Poker, and Hi/Lo. A proud native of Detroit, Dustin currently lives in Michigan.