EGBA Wants Unified European Regulation

This story was published more than 12 years ago.

European gambling trade body the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has announced that it would like to see action put forth by the European Commission to unify regulation to avoid fragmentation and strengthen consumer protection.

The European Union's Communication and Action Plan on internet gambling is set to be delivered in the middle of the month, many are hoping that a more unified industry will result.

Speaking about the situation, EGBA Secretary General Sigrid Ligné said: “We deplore the situation today where we see 27 ‘mini-markets’ for gambling in Europe. We are calling for the introduction of European rules to ensure proper protection for consumers and maintain a crime-free environment throughout the EU, while affording open, fair and transparent licensing conditions for EU-regulated operators.”

"We urge the European Commission to handle our complaint urgently as Germany is in the process of allocating licenses on the basis of a highly contentious tendering procedure which appears, on the basis of an accumulation of evidence, not to be designed to pursue the declared purpose of conducting an open, fair and transparent Europe-wide call for bids."

Earlier this year, the head of the European Commission Michele Barnier gave a speech to the European Parliament where he said that the Co mission will ensure that various nations will conform with the EU Treaty.

The EGBA believes that a unified legislation for the online gambling industry is critical, as well as for all other internet based services. The group would like to see legislation that would regulate market access and address consumer protection issues.

This legislation would make necessary the following:

  • Common consumer protection standards based on the existing workshop agreement published in 2011 by the CEN (European Committee for Standardization);

  • Common technical standards and reporting tools

  • Common licensing requirements