UK based internet poker room PKR has released its newest software upgrade, featuring various software upgrades for players utilizing the client.
Among the upgrades through the download are the ability for players to purchase virtual drinks for themselves or fellow players utilizing PKR points. The drinks feature realistic sound effects and the player's avatar sips his cocktail during gameplay. Beverages available include beer, mojitos, and coffee.
Also included in the update is a new venue; a luxury yacht.
Among the more useful features are better multi-tabling, which makes it easier for players to use multiple windows. Players can now play up to nine games on one screen. Players at PKR may also now record hands and record and share videos of highlights on YouTube without leaving their table.
Commenting on the update a PKR spokesman said: "Multi-tabling is massive now and we really wanted to nail it with this update. The hand-replay function is just awesome. We love to hear about the royal flushes and crazy bluffs that happen on the site - now everyone can share their favourite plays online and it really opens up the social side of the game."