NFL Eases Up On Casino Advertising

This story was published more than 12 years ago.

The National Football League has decided to allow casino advertising in its stadiums, albeit with several conditions tied to the advertising.

The NFL, which has been adamant in the past about not allowing casino advertising, has decided that it will allow state licensed gambling establishments and casinos to advertise within the confines of its stadiums. The decision comes after the league reviewed how other major sports handle casino advertising, did research, and analyzed the possible impact of gambling legislation developments.

Commenting on the issue, NFL Spokesman Brian McCarthy said: "We remain steadfast in our opposition to the proliferation of gambling on NFL games. There is a distinction between accepting advertising in a limited fashion and gambling on the outcome of our games."

Some of the stipulations on gambling related advertising at NFL stadiums are:

  • Adverts can appear only in game programs, on local radio broadcasts and in the upper bowl and inner concourses of stadiums.

  • No employees of the NFL and its teams, including players and coaches, can endorse or appear in any advertisements for any form of gambling.

  • Any entity being advertised may not have a sports book or accept or promote gambling of actual sporting events other than horse or dog racing.

  • All advertisements must include a responsible gambling message.

  • The advertisers must agree to contribute funds to the league's gambling education and other related programs.

  • No naming rights or programming sponsorships can be sold to casinos or gambling-related entities

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13 April 2012 - 2:57pm

I love the advertising presence that gambling sites have in soccer matches, and think it would be cool to see stuff like that in NFL games. However, I don't think that is too likely to happen...