Barney Frank Thinks Online Poker Will Not Be Passed This Year

This story was published more than 12 years ago.

US Congressman Barney Frank told Poker News that he does not believe online poker legislation will be passed this year.

During the interview Frank told the Poker News that he believes there is a sizable momentum to pass online poker legislation in individual states, but that federal legislation is not likely this year.

Although he believes the odds of passage are slim, Frank said he believes that "It's still possible. Reid wants to do it. A lot of people here want to do it. It might get done in the lame duck (session of Congress). It could get done as part of an overall package. But I think other things will replace it."

Speaking about his pessimistic outlook for federal legislation, Frank cited tribal opposition and Senator Jon Kyl as being the biggest hurdles. "We might have to wait until Kyl is out of office for this to get done," Frank said.

Frank's outlook for the long term of internet gambling is optimistic. If legislation is not passed this year the veteran policitician said:'s going to happen within the next couple years."

He also cited the Department of Justice's change of stance on the Wire Act as a catalyst for legislation on internet gambling. "What is galvanizing things is the interpretation of the Wire Act by the Justice Department and the threat of different states doing different things. The chaos inherent in that is a good argument for legislation." Frank said.

"The best I can say is that, if the Senate passes something, I think we can get it through the House," Frank said. "But the Senate has got a lot of problems these days."