Last Black Friday Defendant Pleads Guilty

This story was published more than 12 years ago.

The last remaining defendant in the Black Friday ordeal will plead guilty today after cutting a plea bargain with federal authorities.

John Campos, a former bank executive for SunFirst Bank in Utah will plead guilty to a single misdemeanor banking charge when he goes in front of the judge in U.S. federal court in New York. His lawyer called the plea an "excellent resolution" to the case that was brought against his client.

The government alleges that SunFirst Bank processed money for poker sites Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars, both of which were hit heavily by the Department of Justice last year.

Campos was scheduled to go to trial next month along with co-defendant Chad Elie, who also plead guilty to his crimes on Monday. The duo joins Absolute Poker Co-Founder Brent Beckley and payment processors Ira Rubin, Ryan Lang, and Bradley Franzen, who all also plead guilty to their roles in their online poker scheme.