Viaden powered and Isle of Man based Big Casino has sent emails to players with existing balances announcing that it is ceasing operations effective April 1st.
The email comes after players began to report that the site became inoperable last Friday. Players who contacted the casino's support staff were told that the outage was due to a technical glitch, although that proved to be a false statement.
When the outage continued for several more days, players on internet forums became suspicious. A casino spokesman then appeared on message boards saying that the outage was a decision by casino management, and stated that "...there are going to be some major changes in the company: structure, ownership, etc. BigCasino won't be restructured. All changes will affect only Viaden. Players money are in safe (sic)."
The message sent to players read:
"This is to inform you that is ceasing operations on 1 April, 2012. You have positive outstanding balance on your account, however it's not sufficient to meet the minimum withdrawal requirements. You can wager this money till 1 April, 2012, and in case of a win you can withdraw the money via one of the available methods. If you have any questions or need assistance withdrawing your funds, don't hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected]."
"If you have any active bonuses, the bonus money will be cancelled automatically and all the wagering requirements will be nulled so that you can withdraw your funds immediately."
The reasons for the casino's closing have not been made public.