The number of Finnish professional online poker players has declined severely because of the events of Black Friday in addition to the higher quality of poker players.
The game has become much more competitive, reports Finnish news site, resulting in professional players having a more difficult time cashing in. The number of professional online players has dropped from several thousand to just around a thousand, according to the report.
Legal action taken by the U.S. Department of Justice has also harmed the Finnish online poker player, with the action taking many additional poker players off the board completely, lowering the amount of tables and events pros can compete in.
"Winnings are much harder to come by these days." says Finnish poker pro Aki Pyysing. “I am not getting the same results, although I am playing just as much. That indicates that the game is now tighter.”
If things weren't bad enough for the Finns, legal moves by the country to clamp down on foreign online sites could make things even worse. With foreign sites offering better incentives for pro players, this could spell trouble for the pro.
“If the law comes in, people will find a way to dodge it or they will move abroad,” Mr. Pyysing said.