Launch of mobile betting product in Mexico

This story was published more than 13 years ago.

Barcelona-based International Mobile Sportsbook Company S.L. (IMSC) has launched its mobile betting product “ Bettymovil ” in Mexico, operating under a Federal Mexican Gaming Licence.

The company claims to be the first to offer a mobile betting product in the Mexican market and is operating in a strategic partnership with Grupo Salinas and Grupo Vargas .

“Mexico was always a priority market from the word go. The volume is there (with the 63 million adult owned mobile phones), the betting culture is also highly present and visible, and Mexico is a football-crazy nation. They are the perfect ingredients for an IMSC success story,” commented James Sene , CEO, International Mobile Sportsbook Company.

Bettymovil is a mobile betting product that places micro-bets or alternative bids on a variety of events via SMS.

Source: InfoPowa News