Online Casino and Gambling News: February 2011

UK based company websites to be covered by the ASA

Marketing claims made on company websites and other non-paid digital spaces will be covered by the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) effective 1 March 2011. At present the ASA has the authority to regulate paid for online advertising but from 1 March all UK based company websites, regardless of sector or the size of the company, will be governed by the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, which includes rules to prevent advertisements that mislead, harm or offend.

0Comments Read more's new owners leave the US and turn to Europe and Asia

An e-mail to U.S. customers has advised that sports betting exchange, has been sold to an as yet unidentified party and is no longer accepting wagers from customers in the United States.

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Judges in Sweden to decide if poker is a game of skill or luck

A Swedish police raid on a live poker tournament in Grebbestad three years ago resurfaced in the country's Högsta Domstolen (Supreme Court) this week as judges wrestled with the perennial question: is poker a game predominantly of skill, or one of chance? The court is reviewing the case of four men convicted of arranging an illegal poker tournament in 2007, in which the multi-million-kronor poker tournament, involving 700 entrants, was raided in a town in western Sweden, reports the English language Swedish newspaper The

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Guinness Book of Records confirms Laak's marathon poker session

On June 7 last year, Phil "The Unabomber" Laak, set a new world record for the most hours of poker played in a single sitting after 115 hours. Setting a world record and having that record officially ratified by the Guinness Book of World Records are significant achievements, and this week Laak reached both with an acceptance of his 2010 session as an official world record.

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Racing industry in South Africa speaks out against new tax

Media reports from South Africa indicate that the horseracing industry has now digested Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan's new tax proposals....and does not like the implications. In his budget speech last Friday the Minister announced a new tax of 15% on all gambling winnings over Rands 25,000 (weekend reports suggest that the Minister had originally proposed a threshold of Rands 50,000).

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Hole card cheating affair rears its head again

Poker News Daily has continued its reportage on the Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker hole card cheating scandal with fresh allegations that embrace accusations of extortion and intimidation. The multi-million dollar cheating debacle re-surfaced last week when an individual claiming to have a wealth of evidence on the cheating scam, Travis Makar, was interviewed on the DonkDown poker radio show.

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UK gambling industry awaits outcome of Minister's consultation

The UK government's decision last year to enquire into the situation where offshore gambling companies operated in the UK market without local taxation or licensing being necessary is attracting growing interest. The reason is the forthcoming publication of the reslts of the government's consultation process, which is believed to be only weeks away.

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Is Virginia leaning towards a draconian ban a la Washington State?

Some US states may be taking a more pragmatic approach to the legalisation of online gambling, but it appears that Virginia is not among them. State politician Clifford L. Athey Jr is at the forefront of moves to "clarify" the state's position on internet gambling....and not in a good way for the industry.

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Abruzzo Bill to be debated in Florida assembly

Florida politician Joseph Abruzzo's attempt to introduce a bill legalising intrastate online poker is likely to be debated in the next session of the state Assembly, which kicks off on March 8. If it is successful, Florida could have legalised online poker in the law books as early as July 1st, local media is currently suggesting.

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Vegas police apprehend Rio casino crooks

The gun-toting thief who walked into the Rio casino last week, grabbed gambling chips and threatened dealer and patrons with a hand gun before escaping is behind bars, thanks to quick work by the Las Vegas police.

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