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18 June 2020 - 7:55pm

I am Okay

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Hello Everyone,

I am sorry I did not sign in sooner, but I just want to write a quick note to let everyone know, throughout all the insanity in Minneapolis, MN, that I am okay. This has been such a difficult month, and for the first time in my life I actually packed a "go bag." We ended up staying put after realizing we have a cat (youngest son and me) and that all our freeways were closed (it was late at night). So we stayed put, but I left the bag by the door for a few more days. This was a first for us. I will never make fun of those domesday preppers again! lol I had people checking on me from all over the country. It was surreal.

Being right on the border of Mpls, many of our stores were blocked, barricaded, and closed. I had to drive 30 minutes one way to get my medicine, due to my store being boarded up and closed for several days. But if that was the least of my worries and inconveniences, that is nothing compared to what some of my friends have been going through.

We are all frustrated, angry, grieving deeply, yet there is also a glimmer of hope for the first time in many years. Like Governor Walz said, we may not get another chance to change things. I agree with him.

Over and over, we learn that life is fragile. We must cling to the love of our family and friends and appreciate every single day. My family and I are continuing on this journey, trying to help where we can, concentrating on not us, but how we can help in any small, and big, ways to make this surreral, new world a better place.

I hope you are all safe and well.

Be safe and take care.



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18 June 2020 - 11:39pm

Thanks for checking in Hope and glad that you and the family are safe and well. It's certainly been a challenging year. I sincerely hope that at the other end of this, we end up with a fairer, kinder world - we have a long way to go but it's a start.


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19 June 2020 - 5:57am

That sounds really scary hope, but it is a relief to hear you're ok. I was wondering if you might have been affected by what was happening in Minneapolis. What do you think of the talk of defunding or replacing the police force?

2 hope777, Matthew

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19 June 2020 - 1:30pm

Good to see you made it out unharmed. It's a real shame that there's been so much destruction, but it's even more of a shame that the police are out of control. Hopefully things cool down and we get some meaningful change.

Keep in touch!


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21 June 2020 - 8:25am

sorry that i am asking hope777
apparently I missed something ... was it a hurricane or what was going on ?


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22 June 2020 - 12:28am

@vomvom12 I believe this is in response to the Minneapolis police brutality protests and the subsequent events.

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22 June 2020 - 1:18am

Yeah, we've had widespread riots and protests in the States after a series of police brutality toward African Americans, killing them.

It's been pretty crazy, and in Seattle they created the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where they took over several blocks and kicked police out and are trying to do their own thing. From what I hear, it's pretty crazy. I started playing The Last of Us Part II this weekend and you go to post-apocalyptic Seattle, and I was in the Capitol Hill zone. Kinda meta.

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22 June 2020 - 5:46pm

ok thanks... of cause i heard about the death of this guy ....i think everybody around the globe
knows that americas police has a racism problem but i didn't realize that the last
protests went so far ... terrifying on the one hand but positive on the other.
as you all know germany has a terrible and incomparable past in terms of racism.
so it is good that racism and the fight aginst it is still a big a topic here and it ever will be.
we are not trying to talk it away or to suppress it.
our past and what horrible things can arise from racism is omnipresent here, the more terrifying is the fact that we also have a problem with everyday racism ant anti-semitism here even a problem with racism in the police
that got worse again since many refugees from the middle east came to us 2-3 years ago
fleeing from the war in syria,
america didn't have a hitler, but america also has a long dark history of racism, starting with the indians through slavery to the racism that suppresses black people today. Of course, the racist attitude of the people is to blame in the first place, but I am convinced that the crazy gun laws of the usa contribute almost equally to the problem that innocent people lose their lives again and again if you analyze the problem all the way down

sorry for my monologue, but when it comes to this topic the antifascist and
parcifist always breaks out of me


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23 June 2020 - 5:43pm

It's a good monologue. Very insightful. 🙂

Here's hoping things get better and common sense prevails in upcoming elections on local, state, and federal levels. That's where this will start, hopefully.


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28 June 2020 - 6:36pm
CL-Ed wrote:

That sounds really scary hope, but it is a relief to hear you're ok. I was wondering if you might have been affected by what was happening in Minneapolis. What do you think of the talk of defunding or replacing the police force?

I believe the change is desperately needed, and I see it as a positive move. So many people falsely believe that "defunding the police" means no police. Of course, that is not the case. But we need to look at policing as it is now (extremely dangerous and dysfunctional) and improve on all areas where we can.

A historic vote yesterday, as the Mpls City Council voted 12-0 to abolish the police department as we know it. It will now be replaced with "the department of community safety and violence prevention." I see a new day and a much-needed new paradigm.

I have stories that could fill several pages - my own, personal experiences and that of others, including children, that involve the police department. And, of course, there is good and bad in any group of people, but I fear too many officers get into the field for the wrong reasons. My wish is that older, experienced - those really good officers, could mentor the younger ones and/or the newer ones who join the forces. We have a very long way to go, but this is the first time the people are not going to settle for "let's get everything back to normal." Our normal will be new in so many ways. And, as Cl-Klaw says, I hope that new normal will be a fairer, kinder normal. It won't happen overnight, but I am remaining positive that our changes will be that. 🙂


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28 June 2020 - 6:41pm
barbadosslim93 wrote:

Good to see you made it out unharmed. It's a real shame that there's been so much destruction, but it's even more of a shame that the police are out of control. Hopefully things cool down and we get some meaningful change.

Keep in touch!

Meaningful change. Yes! That is what we need! Yes, the destruction went from a day or two of expression of pure grief, anger, and pain to groups of people out policing and protecting their properties from questionable groups of people trying to continue the destruction.

My area is repairing. My pharmacy drive thru window was just replaced after one month. It should be able to open their drive thru service now.

All of this, CoVid, the protests, the administration, etc., depresses me most in how all this has brought to light the absolute ignorance of so many citizens. I didn't realize their was so much ignorance, and hate, in our world. This is why we must try to emphasize the positive, purposefully and constantly.


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28 June 2020 - 7:01pm
vomvom12 wrote:

ok thanks... of cause i heard about the death of this guy ....i think everybody around the globe
knows that americas police has a racism problem but i didn't realize that the last
protests went so far ... terrifying on the one hand but positive on the other.
as you all know germany has a terrible and incomparable past in terms of racism.
so it is good that racism and the fight aginst it is still a big a topic here and it ever will be.
we are not trying to talk it away or to suppress it.
our past and what horrible things can arise from racism is omnipresent here, the more terrifying is the fact that we also have a problem with everyday racism ant anti-semitism here even a problem with racism in the police
that got worse again since many refugees from the middle east came to us 2-3 years ago
fleeing from the war in syria,
america didn't have a hitler, but america also has a long dark history of racism, starting with the indians through slavery to the racism that suppresses black people today. Of course, the racist attitude of the people is to blame in the first place, but I am convinced that the crazy gun laws of the usa contribute almost equally to the problem that innocent people lose their lives again and again if you analyze the problem all the way down

sorry for my monologue, but when it comes to this topic the antifascist and
parcifist always breaks out of me


There are no apologies needed. I was amazed, and I continue to be amazed, at how George Floyd's murder has been protested, not just in our country, but all over the world. And now they are protesting other deaths at the hands of police, too.

I have heard about the situation in your country before, with the refugees, and it is sad that, indeed, there is racism everywhere. Minneapolis and another town is home to a very large Somali population (I used to teach their children) and we see racism and resentments toward them, too.

My belief is we hire too many young, inexperienced, fearful and jumpy officers, like in the cases of Philando Castille and Justine Diamond. Then we have our sadists with a HORRIBLE track record who hung on long after they should have been dismissed and end up blatantly murdering another human being. I was shocked with the cop who killed Castille was not charged, and it angered me so. That we needed something to the degree of that devastatingly horrifying video to finally SEE the truth of what really happened, is disheartening. But at least now we have it.

My son and I watched George Floyd's memorial service. Afterward, my son said he was so glad we watched it together. I am thankful I have raised three sons to understand that our differences are what make us all special and are to be respected and honored, not feared or hated.

We do have a long, dark history with racism. It was quieted (but still present) for a while and this administration brought it back, giving these white supremacists and racists free reign to no longer hide their ignorance and hate.

As 'Slim said, I have high hopes for November, election day, and it cannot come soon enough.

All of your responses give me hope that we may live among those who are more ignorant than we could have ever imagined, but they are in the minority, and we must continue to remind them that love conquers all!

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28 June 2020 - 7:12pm

Speaking of love conquers all, I have some very good and positive news, my CL-Friends!

My middle son and his fiance were married on June 20th! They traveled to CO where you can marry yourselves. Yes, you heard me correct. It is called self-solemnization. lol

Their first plan was to elope, then have a big party/reception afterward.
With some family "influence" they decided to have a small, outdoor wedding of 30 people, and then later a larger party/reception. The wedding was planned for August 22nd. Then came CoVid. Because they are such thoughtful, conscientious young people, they did not want anyone to risk their lives by coming to their wedding, even though they already had money down on an Air bnb for all of us, had money down on the food, etc. But they just did not want to risk it, so they went back to Plan A.

When they found out about CO, they thought it was a good idea, because it is also a beautiful place for their vows and photos. They brought their 4 year old rescue pup, Gizmo, and away they went. They rented an adorable, little Airbnb and stayed a few nights. The pictures are just gorgeous, and the first of my three sons is now married! We adore her, and we will still have a big party/reception to look forward to someday when we can do it safely. We even had a virtual wedding shower, and it turned out great and was so much fun!

When I first found out about the wedding cancellation, I was a little sad. I had attended three of my brother's six children's weddings, and this was going to be our turn! lol But then I tried to be positive and remember it is not about me, but it is about their love, their marriage, and what is best for them. Plus, even small weddings are expensive, so they will now have a few more dollars to save toward a home they are saving up for.

So I am now finally proud mom to a daughter (in-law). Coming from a family of almost ALL boys, I am thrilled!

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28 June 2020 - 8:40pm

well all the best for your son and his wife hope777 and I hope that the marriage lasts.
good to here that you managed to educate your sons tolerantly and without prejudice
I personally have never been able to understand racism ... the ignorance of believing
that you are better than someone else because of the color of your skin or where
you were born.
there are no different races ... there is only one race ... the humen race !
trump seems to be weakened by his total failure before and in the corona crisis and
so I hope for you that he will not be re-elected


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29 June 2020 - 12:00am

Congratulations Hope to both you and your son and daughter in-law. Fingers crossed you won't have to wait too long to celebrate together as a family.

Re the racism and cops, on the one hand you have good people like yourself trying to move on and make a better future. And on the other you have utter morons tweeting videos of senile bigots chanting white power. The problem is, one of the morons is in charge of your nuclear arsenal. I really hope there's enough good people to sort this out later this year.

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29 June 2020 - 8:05am
CL-Ed wrote:

I really hope there's enough good people to sort this out later this year.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden doesn't exactly have the best record when it comes to racial justice. My fear is that "nothing will fundamentally change" under a Biden administration and America will continue to suffer another 4 years of growing inequality.

Democrats are no friend to the working class (the majority of which are people of colour).

CL - klaw

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29 June 2020 - 11:01am

The things happening in the world right now are just insane. I'm glad to hear you're ok Hope, stay safe!

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29 June 2020 - 2:46pm
blck wrote:

The things happening in the world right now are just insane. I'm glad to hear you're ok Hope, stay safe!

It is crazy times out there, and it seems to be getting crazier. I got a bad feeling things are only going to get worse in the short term...

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30 June 2020 - 5:49am
Matthew wrote:

Unfortunately, Joe Biden doesn't exactly have the best record when it comes to racial justice. My fear is that "nothing will fundamentally change" under a Biden administration and America will continue to suffer another 4 years of growing inequality.

Democrats are no friend to the working class (the majority of which are people of colour).

Geez that is depressing. I really hope you're at least a little bit wrong.

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30 June 2020 - 2:30pm

Well I heard that in Leicester in the UK they are basically starting the second lockdown and with many restrictions being minimized in Europe I can imagine that things could change for the worse, but of course hopefully that won΄t be the case.