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30 April 2019 - 5:57pm

Worst Job Ever?

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I was thinking today about work, and how I'm so much happier now that I get to do something that I like for a living than I was doing awful jobs. I'm curious as to what jobs you've had in the past that you think are the worst.

I'll start!

When the Great Recession hit, the ISP that I worked for went under. I lost my job and didn't want to be on unemployment. Unfortunately, good jobs were nearly impossible to find, so I decided to take the first one I could find. This was working inside a polycrystalline silicon plant clean room. Basically, the factory generated the silicon from scratch using chemicals and what not, where they were eventually broken up and shipped out to companies around the world for use in solar panels, computer chips, etc.

My role in this was to go into a clean room with about 100 other people and break the silicon into small pieces and bag it up. How do you do this? With a hammer. Literally, this job was breaking pieces of what amounted to rock into smaller pieces. I was like Fred Flintstone. It was terrible. The shifts were 12 hours long, the silicon was razor sharp, and you fogged up due to your body being basically sealed in these clean suits and the ambient temperature in the room being less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

After a few weeks, I was promoted to what they called an "Etch Operator". I worked with four other guys in a segregated room, as this was considered to be dangerous work. We would see the silicon go into a bath of hydrofluoric acid, where it would have the surface eaten away. We'd then have to take it out of these baskets, let it cool, and then bag it. There was real danger with the acid, as if it got onto your skin it would burn you, and even pull the calcium out of your bones toward the skin!

I worked really hard to get out of that job. I did 12 hour days, came home and ate dinner, then worked for a few hours at night at another gig. That eventually got to the point where I was making as much doing that as working in the plant. My last day at the plant was when I was walking down a hallway where the acid robots (Burt and Ernie) were. As I was pushing a cart with four layers of gloves and a plastic gauntlet on, I heard a pop and hiss. I looked over to see a bunch of HF acid oozing onto the floor right by my feet. It was at that point where I said, "Screw this" and left!

So what was the worst job you had? What horror stories came from it?

2 sharpe, vomvom12

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1 May 2019 - 1:22am

interesting topic barbadosslim93 but you've set the bar already pretty high with the first one.!!
I've done so many shitty jobs in my live, at one I had to work 4 out of 8 working hours with pattex. pattex is an adhesive that contains a lot of solvents... i was high all the time

2 sharpe, coolsongss

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1 May 2019 - 7:10am

I've had plenty of boring jobs but nothing so bad as that. Probably the worst was when I was about 18 or 19 and I had a job at a gym. I had to go in there at 5:30am every morning and clean it all up, vacuum and wipe everything down, put all the weights away, and other stuff before people started coming in after 6am. Getting up at 5am in the middle of winter to go there in the dark and cold wasn't great for a lazy teenager!

I'm not a big guy. I only weigh about 65kg now and I was probably even smaller then. The steroid pumping beefcakes at the gym used to drop their massive weights on the floor wherever they were using them instead of putting them away. I could only barely lift some of them off the ground. I had to lever them up and roll them across the gym floor then strain like hell to lift them up onto the stands. And of course I had to cop a whole lot of crap from the boss who was recently released from prison for driving the getaway car in an armed robbery because I wasn't a beefcake like everyone else there. So yeah, it wasn't much fun and that one didn't last long.

2 sharpe, vomvom12

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1 May 2019 - 8:32am

haha...sounds like the typical 90's steroid hell you was working for... nice

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1 May 2019 - 2:56pm

I take it there wasn't a lunk alarm to set off?

Vomvom, I couldn't imagine being high all day at work! That cleanroom had a strict drug policy. You wanna hear something funny? I had thrown out my back and went to the doctor where they wrote me a prescription for painkillers. I had a note from the doctor saying I was on them and this is why. Trying to be responsible, I took the note to the supervisor and let him know.

Come to find out, later in the day I was selected for a "random drug test". Like, they knew I was going to fail because I had opiates in my system, so they selected me for a test because they knew I was going to fail. I was livid!

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1 May 2019 - 5:45pm
barbadosslim93 wrote:

I take it there wasn't a lunk alarm to set off?

Vomvom, I couldn't imagine being high all day at work! That cleanroom had a strict drug policy. You wanna hear something funny? I had thrown out my back and went to the doctor where they wrote me a prescription for painkillers. I had a note from the doctor saying I was on them and this is why. Trying to be responsible, I took the note to the supervisor and let him know.

Come to find out, later in the day I was selected for a "random drug test". Like, they knew I was going to fail because I had opiates in my system, so they selected me for a test because they knew I was going to fail. I was livid!

hey. barbadosslim93
I think you get me wrong... i wasn't high all the time because i took some drugs befor or at work...
i was high from the glue i have to work with every day.
this is the same glue that millions of homeless children snif in the slums of latin america


2 sharpe, coolsongss

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2 May 2019 - 1:35am

Oh yeah, I'm sorry vomvom, I should have worded it better. I meant to say that I couldn't imagine being high from chemicals all day. It would freak me out!


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2 May 2019 - 8:09am
vomvom12 wrote:

interesting topic barbadosslim93 but you've set the bar already pretty high with the first one.!!
I've done so many shitty jobs in my live, at one I had to work 4 out of 8 working hours with pattex. pattex is an adhesive that contains a lot of solvents... i was high all the time

Lol that doesn't sound like a job, it sounds more like a party you get paid to attend, am I missing something here vomvom12, I thought the topic was worst job ever?

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6 May 2019 - 12:29am
WaroftheGods wrote:

Lol that doesn't sound like a job, it sounds more like a party you get paid to attend, am I missing something here vomvom12, I thought the topic was worst job ever?

unfortunately it was not so funny at all... there were ventilation systems but they were not strong enough
this glue is really bad stuff !!


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6 May 2019 - 8:55am
vomvom12 wrote:

unfortunately it was not so funny at all... there were ventilation systems but they were not strong enough
this glue is really bad stuff !!

No disrespect intended vomvom12, I try to find humor in everything, unfortunately that includes situations that end with my foot in my mouth. Sorry buddy

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6 May 2019 - 11:15am
WaroftheGods wrote:

No disrespect intended vomvom12, I try to find humor in everything, unfortunately that includes situations that end with my foot in my mouth. Sorry buddy

hey warofthegods
maybe my answer looks more serious
than it was meant to was fun but only on the first and second day..
but after inhale that shit for a few days in a row you get bad headache
so i quit that shitty job very fast

2 sharpe, coolsongss

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6 May 2019 - 3:25pm

I've never had to work in a toxic environment or something so my worst jobs have ever been be attached to the tiny size paychecks or miserable working conditions.

We've been so poor here in the early to even the late 90's that most of people would of agree to any job no matter of their level of it's been always about the money not really what you prefer or wish to do.

I've been paid like 70$ bucks monthly for a few months in the late 90's so I even wonder now how I survived then when I'm looking back..yeah the times were quite cheaper as well 😉

I've been always hated the contraction work outside but a few years ago I've decided to give it a go after loosing my last job with a friend of mine who's a house builder..that literally last no more than a 3-4 weeks till I got a heat stroke combined with a faint which reminded me why I hate this job at first place..but not only because of that 🙂

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7 May 2019 - 4:59pm

Oh man sharpe, I've done outside work before like that and it was NOT for me. Not that I hate doing hard work, but often we'd be just standing around doing nothing. That drives me NUTS.


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7 May 2019 - 6:13pm

Yeah that's a problem for me as well Slim, I have nothing against the physical side of it anyway...most of my life I've been working in a warehouses or similar kind of stuff so I even prefer when there's a bit more physical demanding job but the thing is I'm not the most handy guy(at all 🙂 ) so if something goes wrong about the construction wiork that would make me really frustrated and nervy.

The other aspect for those kind of jobs(well at least here) is that there's usually a job for let's say 5 guys but 3 of them doing nothing most of the time so the other two must make up for the rest as well...not too ashamed to admit I'm usually one of the other to be busy no matter if the particular job excites me or the worst case at leas the clock ticking faster that way...but of course no one on the high floors cares who exactly have been doing the job...and all getting an equal paychecks in the end...but sometimes the lazy ones have been even paid more for one or another reason.

So after everything I said above.. it would probably explain why I'm still unemployed after six years(and counting) ...not exactly by my own wish after being full time hired almost non-stop for the previous 20 before that...O, and one more thing, for the jobs I'm qualified(and many others) you still have to spend like 20 to 30 % of your monthly wages just for a transport and lunch there which just shows how ridiculous the salaries are in a country that suppose to be a EU member...

Sorry for the whole tirade above...I know this is not the point of this thread and the things starting to look more brightly in the last couple of years here...well at least for some.


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8 May 2019 - 6:04pm

Oh yeah, I totally get the effort thing. When I was in those clean rooms you'd have usually 6-7 people at a table breaking these rocks, and the 80/20 principle would apply. 80% of the work would be done by 20% of the people, while the others would sit around and BS.

Drives me nuts, and is probably why I like working alone.


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9 May 2019 - 12:14pm

Yeah..exactly Slim, thought that's valid just here 🙂

There's another problem too in most of the companies here, as they say;

"too many chiefs and not enough Indians"


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3 July 2019 - 7:32am

Not the worst job ever but definitely one of the worst I've experienced as a mover.
A couple weeks ago we had 2 guys pull no shows and left my buddy by himself, he called me right away, and I met him at the customers place .
Seemed normal, nothing too heavy, but there was hundreds of boxes up, full bottles of home made wine and beer in the basement of this house lol no easy way to get them all moved out except bring them up, 2 boxes at a time. Plus all the many many parts to a bunch of exercise equipment and a whole whack pile of dumbells, from 5 lbs to 80 lbs each. It took the 2 of us 17.5 hours to finish this job. It was a nightmare. This job was coming off of the 2 of us, along with a third guy. Loading up 22,000 pounds of furniture, drive all night, unload it all, drive all night back again, and then the nightmare job lol

It was crazy and we are still in shock we did it in one day with just the 2 of us.


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3 July 2019 - 12:56pm

Oof, that's a lot of hauling!


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3 July 2019 - 6:22pm

Sounds like the ultimate exercise Kris 😜 But 18hrs..that's a bit too much.

Hopefully at least you got a proper paycheck for all those efforts.

Always have been wondering how the people could store so much alcohol..not possible in my house.. it would of been drank...or at least I would die trying 😉

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4 July 2019 - 7:48am

Lol this guy decided he wanted to take up the hobby of wine and/or beer making just to get bored of it as soon as he had made a whole bunch of it lol
I got talked into going up North with the guys, they're unloading that same shipment later on today. Its 1:45am right now, and we just parked for the night , then another 1 drive in the morning and I get to relive all of it over again lol


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4 July 2019 - 7:49am

There is 3 of us this time and the unload always goes faster then the load, so it should only take us around 8-9 hours we are hoping.


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4 July 2019 - 6:21pm
WaroftheGods wrote:

Lol this guy decided he wanted to take up the hobby of wine and/or beer making just to get bored of it as soon as he had made a whole bunch of it lol
I got talked into going up North with the guys, they're unloading that same shipment later on today. Its 1:45am right now, and we just parked for the night , then another 1 drive in the morning and I get to relive all of it over again lol

Lol..I guess you've been lucky the guy is not a moonshiner as well..then you would probably have to visit another "address" somewhere deep in the woods 😉..the return would it be really tough then 😀

Whiskey!! 😜


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24 July 2019 - 11:22am

Being a water in a disco club.

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24 July 2019 - 4:54pm

Oof, that'd be a bad one! One time I had a job where I had to put up a bunch of nasty canvas tents on rickety old wooden frames. I got so sick of it that I opted to walk ten miles back home, as my ride wasn't going to be there to pick me up. Nothing compares to that cleanroom job though.


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24 July 2019 - 7:11pm

I saw online the other day an advertisement for crime scene clean up jobs. ( That must be the worst job ever. Imagine having to regularly go to murder scenes to clean human remains of people who have been killed. Beside the cleanup itself, including the scrubbing of human tissues from wall and furniture, mopping off pool of blood, etc., there is the emotional toll it would take.


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25 July 2019 - 7:13am

Yeah that would be horrible. I remember reading a really good article about a woman in Australia who does that for a living. I think this is it:


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25 July 2019 - 7:11pm
barbadosslim93 wrote:

Oof, that'd be a bad one! One time I had a job where I had to put up a bunch of nasty canvas tents on rickety old wooden frames. I got so sick of it that I opted to walk ten miles back home, as my ride wasn't going to be there to pick me up. Nothing compares to that cleanroom job though.

Lol, good one Slim but after the two posts following yours that experience looks like a decent one 😜

It always seems to be a tragic story when the 10 miles walk isn't the worst part 😉

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25 July 2019 - 7:48pm

That hasn't been my worst job ever but...

A friend of mine called me from time to time to participate in this low budget(and not only) Hollywood productions they've been filming here about 15 years ago as a stage-hand( you know the guys that moving the heavy stuff 🙂 ) generally it's been an average experience with let's say a decent paycheck by the time for me.

So we're in that movie center near Sofia when there's a huge decors of whole ancient and modern cities and I was really the middle of the winter...there's like a meter deep snow and they've been shooting an ancient Rome story or something...
So the Emperor coming to the town square on a horse and the local citizens welcome there's like a fifty of these walk-on actors, mainly girls dressed with a really tiny shirts with naked shoulders in the freezing cold...but there was also a few guys laying on the ground (in fact in the snow) which on top of that we should of spray with those blood machine guns cause they were victims of a the shooting of just this particular scene lasted like 3-4 hours in which this guys had like 15 min coffee break for about 15 minutes...after that I've been told they are paid as double as low as we the stage-hand guys so I've really felt sorry for them then.

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25 July 2019 - 8:09pm
sharpe wrote:

That hasn't been my worst job ever but...

...after that I've been told they are paid as double as low as we the stage-hand guys so I've really felt sorry for them then.

These actors are trying to make it. They might get paid little but they have to start somewhere. You never know. One of them may one day get a decent part in a movie and eventually make it big.


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26 July 2019 - 11:25am
newflorida wrote:

I saw online the other day an advertisement for crime scene clean up jobs.

Never thought this job existed. But this definitely must be done by someone. So far this is the worst job I can think of.

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26 July 2019 - 1:37pm

Yeah crime cleanup would be probably the icing on the cake. That'd be a gruesome job for sure.