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21 February 2019 - 1:43pm

Any video game players here?

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I'm a huge video game nerd, and I've been that way since I got a Nintendo at age 4 in 1988. It's turned into one of my hobbies as an adult, and I continue playing to this day, with a PS4, Xbox, and Switch in my household. Needless to say, I love playing video games. Does anyone else here play, and if so, what are your favorite games of all time?

2 sharpe, Eljuno

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12 March 2019 - 11:46pm

Mac too?

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12 March 2019 - 11:58pm

Yes indeed.

Its kind of a platform for people to make their own games that look vaguely like Minecrafty blocky 3d. People have made all sorts of games on it and many are "inspired by" popular games. My son likes ones including Jailbreak (cops vs robbers), Retail Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon (there are loads of "tycoon" style games), Bee Swarm Simulator, Mad City (cops vs robbers vs super heroes), Arsenal, Phantom Forces (like Team Fortress or CounterStike), plus loads more I can't remember.

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14 March 2019 - 4:53pm


I've really been into a handful of older games myself recently, which I've been playing on my Shield. There's a game called Policenauts, which was developed by the guy who did Metal Gear, and it was only released in Japan. Some fans went through and translated the whole game to English, and you can play it on a Sega Saturn proper or through emulators.

The other one is called Snatcher, and it's a ton of fun as well. I'm also dipping my toes into Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII on the PSP.

There's so many games that it's like I'm taking nibbles of every little food at the buffet!

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15 March 2019 - 2:39pm

I've considered playing Criris Core, is it good?

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15 March 2019 - 2:42pm

I like it so far! It plays a lot more like FF12 as its not really turn based, but it fleshes out the story of FF7, which is great.

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16 March 2019 - 6:41pm

I really like the look of of the Nivida Shield thinking of getting myself one , I have just my notebook to play on at the moment which is not too bad for gaming but I think that the shield would be perfect as a stand alone gaming device

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18 March 2019 - 5:45pm

The Shield is pretty great, Lambino. You get GeForce Now, which basically is a streaming service that gives you your own remote PC essentially, where you can load up any Steam game you have or a selection of games already deemed "compatible" with Shield. You also get a bunch of free games that are a bit older, but they're still fun!

I snagged Far Cry 5 on a cheap online sale for something like 12 bucks, and I've been playing it on stream on the Shield. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was playing on a console.

2 sharpe, Lambino

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19 March 2019 - 6:20am

Thanks for the heads up and the tips for when my boy gets a little older fella's.

Roblox = Very expensive PC . . . .I have my doubts CL-Ed lol but I'm open minded, I'll give it a shot.

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20 March 2019 - 1:29am

Oh no, Roblox most definitely = cheap-ass PC.

Did anyone see Google's announcement of their new game streaming service? I'm sure it will be great for all you folk in first world internet areas like the US or Europe. Down here it is likely to be unplayable due to lack of bandwidth and/or lag.


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20 March 2019 - 2:11am
CL-Ed wrote:

Oh no, Roblox most definitely = cheap-ass PC.

Did anyone see Google's announcement of their new game streaming service? I'm sure it will be great for all you folk in first world internet areas like the US or Europe. Down here it is likely to be unplayable due to lack of bandwidth and/or lag.

that is fast/slow is your connection there in australia ??

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20 March 2019 - 7:13am

Ah no you have triggered me and I could waffle on about this for days. Sorry in advance if you don't want a long read. 😉

An article the other day ranked Australia's wired internet speeds as 60th in the world, behind such illustrious hi-tech nations as Kosovo, Moldova and Montenegro (no offence to anyone there of course).

I am fortunate to have a relatively good cable connection up to 100mbps. I have up to 1TB of data I can use in a month but uploads and downloads are both counted towards that limit. This sort of connection is only available to a limited number of people in the major capital cities. Most others have to use ADSL or satellite if they are in remote areas.

When the cable works it is great. However as recently as last year I was paying for another backup ADSL connection that I could use every time the cable connection inevitably went down. After years of this I ranted at my supplier until they came and had a good look outside my house and dug up the cable and found that it had been run underground through dirt under the grass with no shielding or conduit and had partially disintegrated and had almost rusted all the way through. So they fixed it with a new cable and it has been fine since and I no longer need two connections just in case. There are problems like this all across the country due to age of the network and contractors taking short cuts instead of doing a proper job.

Now we have a new network being built called the NBN (National Broadband Network). It was planned to be an all fibre optic network across the country that would replace the copper cables and be infrastructure for the next century. Unfortunately conservative politicians got elected in part by running a scare campaign saying it was all too expensive and irresponsible, and no-one really needs a super fast internet connection. So now instead of a fibre connection to our houses we get fibre to the suburb then it is connected to the old copper phone cables or cable tv coaxial cables to each house. Now people are being forced to move onto the NBN when it is deployed to their area and getting a worse service than they had before on cable because the mix of the new network and old technology is not working as intended. I'm fortunate that my area has been delayed by several years so I still have at least 18 months up my sleeve before being forced to change.

The irony is the old copper network is in such bad shape they are deploying new copper cables to replace the old ones and they are going to end up spending more than they would have if they just built the all fibre network in the first place. It's a complete and utter disaster caused by politicians being politicians and putting their own interests of getting elected ahead of actually building forward looking infrastructure that we can all benefit from.

After revising downwards a few times the government's official target for the NBN is now this:


The Government expects the network will provide peak wholesale download data rates (and proportionate upload rates) of at least 25 megabits per second to all premises, and at least 50 megabits per second to 90 per cent of fixed line premises as soon as possible.

In other words they aim for everyone to have a connection that is a quarter of the speed of the one I have now that I have had for a decade. That would have been a laudable goal 10 years ago but now it is just laughable for a supposed first world developed nation.

The other issue for game streaming services like Google has announced is that often companies don't set up local servers in Australia as the market size is small so our ping times to their servers are slow. So if you're playing a game that requires fast reactions you are always lagging behind people who are closer to the servers.

Sorry for the derail folks. Anyone played Tetris 99 on the Switch? It's pretty sweet though I can never win a game. I came 3rd once.


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20 March 2019 - 9:04am

thank you ed it is really interesting ...well to bild up a complete new fibre network is a expensiv thing
normally this is disputed...but cl-ed 100mbps is pretty fast. i got only a 50mbps connetion sure there
is more bandwidth available the question is how much are you willing to pay...
for me the 50mbps connetion is fast enough
after your post i thought the situation would be much worse down under



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20 March 2019 - 10:57am

An article the other day ranked Australia's wired internet speeds as 60th in the world, behind such illustrious hi-tech nations as Kosovo, Moldova and Montenegro (no offence to anyone there of course).

That's around our we should be in front of you as well 😜

would it be curious to see that rankings anyway.

That's been quite an exhaustive read Ed, they obviously should of build that fibre optic network in full as you said but...


and no-one really needs a super fast internet connection.

Ha-ha...they're funny these guys...yeah no one...apart from the 95% of the population maybe.

I'm having a 50mbps connection as vomvom and it's relatively good, especially having in mind there's like 7 or 8 devices attached to it( the TV is also supplied trough the same connection so I'm not sure whether that affects the speed as well) so for a few months I've been paying for a 100mbps internet but didn't find any significant differences, the thing is my router signal is probably too weak outside of the room it's installed so I probably need a more powerful one.

Having troubles with the HQ live streams sometimes because of the speed.

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20 March 2019 - 10:33pm

Oh yes I agree that 100mbps is more than a lot of people would need right now. The problem is people are complaining of being unable to get 25 on this new network. But this is supposed to be infrastructure that could last the next hundred years or more. Of course election cycles are every three years so we never get anything that forward looking any more.

I was reading a forum about it the other day and a person complained that they could only get 44mbps on a 100mbps plan they had paid for. This was a typical response:


You should be happy with 44 mbps speed which is more than average speed in NBN network. I am over 1.2kms from the node maximum line rate is 25Mbps, most times i get less that 23 mbps. I was not even getting half of the 50 mbps plan i was with Aussie broadband.. During coexistence period provider will not log fault if the speeds are over 12mps.

No doubt building a new fibre network is expensive. And due to the size of our country, the high cost of labour, and the dispersion of the population which is mainly around the coastal extremities, it probably costs more per person to do it here than most other places. There is not much you can do about any of that though. The thing is once you put in fibre optics your signals are going back and forth at the speed of light. Nothing will probably ever be faster in terms of transmission speeds, certainly not copper or wireless. So then it becomes a matter of upgrading the hardware in the exchanges to give people bigger bandwidth and faster download speeds as technology develops over the years. What we have now is going to inevitably have to be replaced sooner or later with fibre and then we will no doubt have another round of political point scoring and arguing about wasted money.

sharpe, here are the rankings I referred to. I can't see Blugaria there at all. Maybe you don't have internet and you don't know it yet. 😉 Looking at it again apparently our wireless speeds are better than wired which kinds of defies physics. That just goes to show how bad our wired network is! :\ Wireless internet is hideously expensive though.


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20 March 2019 - 10:41pm

Google Stadia is legit. I got in. On the beta test last fall and got to play AC Odyssey on my Mac over WiFi. You honestly wouldn’t know you were on a different computer.

Depending on pricing, I could see myself jumping on that service if there’s a good deal on the games. Heck, everyone already has the required equipment!


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21 March 2019 - 5:23am

Yeah I've done ps4 remote play inside my own house which streams the ps4 to my computer screen. It works fine but the video is obviously compressed at times when there is a lot of action. So I'd imagine the Google thing will be similar, only across the web.

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28 March 2019 - 12:06am

sharpe, here are the rankings I referred to. I can't see Blugaria there at all. Maybe you don't have internet and you don't know it yet. Wink

LoL, I'm start worrying that might be the case 😉

Do I even exist if there's no such country?!?

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29 March 2019 - 3:41pm

Guys, I had the craziest VR experience the other day. I was playing Ace Combat on my PSVR which puts you in a fighter jet. I launched off an air craft carrier and went after a number of jets that were acting hostile.

The crazy thing was that I had to bank and go inverted as I was chasing one of the bogeys. During this, I felt my stomach go into my chest like you get when you ride a rollercoaster, and I swear for a second I could feel the G's as I flipped upside down.

VR has a long way to go to become seamless, but it's small experiences like these that give me hope. Between this and Beat Saber, I've been wowed recently with my play.


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1 April 2019 - 5:34am

That sounds pretty fun. Are you sitting down while you're playing Ace Combat?

I feel like now is a good time to tell you about this experiment I heard about once. This guy wore goggles with little mirrors that made his vision turn upside down. After wearing them for a few hours, his brain worked out how to reinterpret the signals and he began to see things the right way up while still wearing the goggles. Then when he took the goggles off a few days later everything was upside down again for a while until his brain reverted back to normal. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Maybe don't fly your VR plane upside down for too long?


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1 April 2019 - 6:59pm

That's crazy about the goggles. The mind adjusts to what it needs, I guess.

Yeah, you're sitting down playing Ace Combat, and you aim partially by looking, which is nice. Keeps you from feeling like you're gonna puke!


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2 April 2019 - 8:52am

I don't really know where I'm going with this.

Neither do I Ed... 😜... but that's hell of a idea..I could wear this when I'm looking at the PL standings, it would mean Man City and Liverpool going down for certain and United just above the line with a healthy ~15 points lead over those 😂


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16 April 2019 - 11:49am

Hey Dustin, I'm looking to buy a used video game console these days, what you think is the better option between Nintendo Wii, Xbox360 or PS3?
I know my question is too general or probably even stupid..but decided to ask it anyway as you're obviously a lot more aware with these than me...thanks.

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16 April 2019 - 5:58pm

Oh man, I'd say either the PS3 or the 360 are both good choices.

If you're looking to use the console as an overall entertainment option, the 360 is great, but you have to pay to play online. The PS3 has some incredible games and you don't have to pay for online play.

You can't really go wrong either way. If you do have one that you're leaning toward, let me know and I can give you some good suggestions for games.

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16 April 2019 - 7:02pm

Well, I'm not sure yet, checked a few local sites cause the Ebay deliveries to here are pretty costly.

Xbox consoles looks to be more affordable...I found one which looks in a decent shape made in Thailand (that supposed to be a benefit right?) it's hacked and comes with 18 games,(don't have the list yet and whether these are original or not) 2 controllers, all the leads ,250gb memory, no kinect sensor though.

Just going to go on a Easter weekend at my girlfriend relatives in the country so I think I'd need something to fill my time there...probably they''d need too...not even sure if I'll touch the ever after that ..that's why I've been looking for a cheaper option 🙂

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16 April 2019 - 9:20pm

Here's the list of games Slim, sorry for the errors, it's the seller message that.

Pro e olution, Fifa ,tenis top spin4, darksiders, deadrising2, halo3, dirt2, saint row get out of hall, nba, Bell, tekken6, fight night round 4,army of two, mk 9 full ux r, pes, drive forza horizon, gta5, gta, dantes interno, race go car2.

You can ckeck it here if you have time for that..sorry, well at least the pictures,the site is in Bulgarian, noticed one thing though, the seller advertised that console has been made in Thailand...while there's a made in China sticker at the back...don't know whether that should be a worrying sign but I think to take the gamble for that 70$.

What do you think?

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17 April 2019 - 7:31am

As long as its a genuine xbox 360 I don't think it will matter where it was made. I checked and they have been made in both Thailand and China depending on the model and time it was made.

If it is hacked the games probably aren't genuine. See the picture of the 250gb hard drive - no doubt the games are installed on there. One thing to be aware of is that if you buy a hacked console you most likely can't use it to play online against other people if that is what you want to do. That is because they detect and ban hacked consoles, and a lot of consoles are sold after the owner is banned. If you only want to play on your own or with friends in the same room then it doesn't matter.


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17 April 2019 - 4:14pm

Yeah, what Ed said. If you're not looking to play online then that's probably a good deal, but taking a modded 360 online will likely get it banned.

Those games are pretty sweet, and if you're a big soccer fan you can't beat PES or FIFA.

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17 April 2019 - 6:15pm

Thanks a lot for the advises there guys, I've been looking for a proper console on a decent price for the last day and a half and I've read about the issues with the live play you've been mentioned above.
I don't have any ambitions playing online anyway cause I really suck as a about video game player and beside didn't touch a controller for..don't know exactly how many years but it's surely over a decade.

Just wanted to have something to do on the family meetings, and in my spare time alone or with a buddy sometimes...that's all.

By the way have done a bit of research myself and that Xbox 360 appeared to be be one of the earliest models which have an overheating issues usually so I'd look for some of the latest versions so called slim or super-slim(just like Dustin after being to the gym 😜 ) which seems to be a, thinner and more depandable...which of course would cost me a bit of extra money of course.

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26 April 2019 - 8:09am
sharpe wrote:

Hey Dustin, I'm looking to buy a used video game console these days, what you think is the better option between Nintendo Wii, Xbox360 or PS3?
I know my question is too general or probably even stupid..but decided to ask it anyway as you're obviously a lot more aware with these than me...thanks.

PS3 all the way, for the same reasons slim mentioned, as well as in my opinion, the PS3 is built stronger than the 360. They both have their weak spots. Every xbox 360 I've owned has broke down on me, and almost every PS3 I've owned I've never had any problems with.

Just dont move as much as I use to and you cut down the potential for damage considerably.
Plus the games are geared towards more of an older audience, as the other consoles for the generation mentioned is geared more towards the kids ages.

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26 April 2019 - 8:19am
sharpe wrote:

Here's the list of games Slim, sorry for the errors, it's the seller message that.

Pro e olution, Fifa ,tenis top spin4, darksiders, deadrising2, halo3, dirt2, saint row get out of hall, nba, Bell, tekken6, fight night round 4,army of two, mk 9 full ux r, pes, drive forza horizon, gta5, gta, dantes interno, race go car2.

You can ckeck it here if you have time for that..sorry, well at least the pictures,the site is in Bulgarian, noticed one thing though, the seller advertised that console has been made in Thailand...while there's a made in China sticker at the back...don't know whether that should be a worrying sign but I think to take the gamble for that 70$.

What do you think?

Hey sharpe, that's an alright deal, but these days you can find better. Find a seller that's selling just the console , controller or 2 plus a handful of games. Then look for someone selling just a pile of games only, few are buying these days so you can find several sellers trying to sell old collections of 30, 40 sometimes 50 games or more for around 40-60$. You'll spend more than the 70$ you mentioned but this way you'll end up with controllers, a console and 40-50 games for around 100-120$ . You wont decide if you want to keep it all or not for at least a year or more, by then those Generation of games should be way up in price, once the PS5 hits the market, and you'll make way more then your money back for sure.