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9 January 2019 - 6:52pm

The new small-town crime thread

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Due to request from sharpe, I'm bringing back my small town newspaper's crime reports, which feature some very light complaints.

Here's some of the new batch from late last month, and this month. More will be added moving forward.

10:09 p.m. -- A 30-year-old Homer Township man reported getting suspicious text messages from an unknown subject. There are currently no suspects, and the man blocked the phone number.

1:51 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to an Ingersoll Township residence to speak with a 59-year-old woman regarding a civil complaint. The woman was upset her 30-year-old son had withdrawn and spent $500 from his savings account. The 59-year-old said he was acting irresponsibly. The deputy informed the woman that this was not a crime.

10:11 p.m. -- A deputy responded to the Village of Sanford in reference to a suspicious situation. The deputy made contact with a 55-year-old Lee Township woman who reported that her car had a flat tire while she was at work. She was not sure if the tire had been punctured maliciously or not, but she wanted the event documented.

12:05 a.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to a Mount Haley Township residence for a request from an 81-year-old woman to have her late husband's medications disposed of. The deputy picked up the unused medication and properly discarded it at the Law Enforcement Center.

2 sharpe, WaroftheGods

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25 February 2019 - 7:53pm

Oh lordie, I saw something crime related today. I had a lunch appointment with someone as we're planning a drone festival this summer in my hometown. I was pulling out onto my street where I saw two teenage girls walking down the sidewalk with their backpacks on. I thought it was weird as they should have been in school, but proceeded to go on my way.

As I'm driving, I saw a police car come down the street. I then saw another one come from the other direction. I knew something was up, so I parked. Looking in my rearview mirror I see one of the cops park, get out of his car and start walking toward the girls. One of the teens takes off running, and so does the cop. He eventually caught her and threw her into the back of the other cop car, which pulled up right away.

I have no idea what it was about, but I'll be keeping my eye on the newspaper to let you know what was going on. So strange to see randomly!


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25 February 2019 - 8:14pm

To be honest I'm more interested in how a drone festival might look like Slim 😉 , never heard of such event some photos if you like.

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26 February 2019 - 10:32pm

It’s going to she an event this summer where we’re looking to push STEM for kids. It’ll have drone racing, and we’re also looking to have Intel come do a light show like they’ve done at the Super Bowl.

My aspect I’m covering is careers and footage, so I’ll be sure to share what we come up with.


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27 February 2019 - 7:16am

On the subject of crimes that waste time lol we were headed out of Calgary to unload a move for a family, and we got pulled into the weigh scales for snow on the top of our trailer. They kept us there for over 3 hours because we weren't certified to climb up there and brush it off ourselves.
They called a semi tow truck company to come out, it took them 5 minutes to push this little pile of snow off. We watched semi trucks pulling trailers one after another just driving by one after another.


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27 February 2019 - 7:20am

There was a high speed chase that ended just a block up from where I live maybe a month ago, they had 14 police cars and the helicopter on this guy, he was driving on 3 tires and 1 rim at that point before the police were able to stop him just before he entered a playground zone and residential area.


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4 March 2019 - 3:35pm

I'll never get people who do that. I hope no one was hurt?

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8 March 2019 - 4:34pm

11:17 p.m. -- A deputy had vehicle towed after Midland County Road Commission called in to report that it was interfering with their plowing.

2:38 p.m. -- A 50-year-old Greendale Township woman reported that a 41-year-old Evart man failed to pay for gas. It was discovered that the man made a partial payment, making it a civil matter. It was explained to the woman that she needs to handle the matter in civil court.


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8 March 2019 - 11:56pm

So they never printed the story about the kids being chased by the cops that you saw?

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9 March 2019 - 12:11am

Nope! They cover some stuff up here sometimes, and I can’t figure out why they would.

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10 March 2019 - 11:54pm

Oooh a cover up! Keep an eye out for black helicopters and crashed UFOs.

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10 March 2019 - 11:58pm

Hahahaha. Yeah they need to tell the truth about Mrs. O’Grady’s chickens!

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11 March 2019 - 3:52am
e_abrams wrote:

I'll never get people who do that. I hope no one was hurt?

Nope, no injuries from what know.

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13 March 2019 - 4:18pm

1:50 a.m. -- While on routine patrol at nighttime, a deputy stopped to check on a vehicle with its interior lights on at a "park and ride" lot. The deputy made contact with the two occupants, young men aged 21 and 22. The deputy learned that the 21-year-old had been reported missing out of Detroit nearly a year ago. The Detroit Police Department was notified, which then contacted the young man's 42-year-old mother. Following contact with the mother, it was discovered that the man was no longer "missing."

2:50 p.m. -- A 56-year-old man reported a strange occurrence at his home, after a pair of his pants had split and he was unsure how it happened.

6:43 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to a residence in Jerome Township and made contact with a 58-year-old woman, who said she received an email from Amazon stating she needed to pay another $150 through Google Play Card.

12:08 p.m. -- A deputy responded to a neighbor dispute in Jerome Township, where a 31-year-old man was complaining that his neighbor's children were trespassing on his land. The children were riding a snowmobile on his property and left a bag of unknown substance in his driveway with a note reading "have a nice lunch." The man did not want to prosecute at this time, but wanted the parents talked to about the situation. The deputy spoke with the suspects' father by phone since they were not there. The father said he will speak with the children and said that the snowmobile will be put away for the year.

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13 March 2019 - 11:29pm

split pants... spam emails pretending to be from Amazon...

I ... just can't. I've lost the will to live. 😂

But I do want to know what was inside the bag. A nice sandwich .. or something a little more "crappy" perhaps? At least they didn't set it on fire and ring the doorbell.


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14 March 2019 - 12:02am

The children were riding a snowmobile on his property and left a bag of unknown substance in his driveway with a note reading "have a nice lunch."

😂 Ha-ha-ha...

Good shit there Dustin(Y) ..oops I've meant good stuff ...of course 😉


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14 March 2019 - 4:50pm
CL-Ed wrote:

split pants... spam emails pretending to be from Amazon...

I ... just can't. I've lost the will to live. 😂

But I do want to know what was inside the bag. A nice sandwich .. or something a little more "crappy" perhaps? At least they didn't set it on fire and ring the doorbell.

What can I say... we live in crazy times where splitting your pants is a class C felony.


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16 March 2019 - 9:10am

12:08 p.m. -- A deputy responded to a neighbor dispute in Jerome Township, where a 31-year-old man was complaining that his neighbor's children were trespassing on his land. The children were riding a snowmobile on his property and left a bag of unknown substance in his driveway with a note reading "have a nice lunch." The man did not want to prosecute at this time, but wanted the parents talked to about the situation. The deputy spoke with the suspects' father by phone since they were not there. The father said he will speak with the children and said that the snowmobile will be put away for the year.

When I was younger living in the country, we had 2 quads and a couple dirt bikes. We went anywhere and everywhere we pleased, and back then, as long as we were respectful, nobody cared if we went on their land, dont chase the livestock, dont shoot out windows with our BB guns, and if we opened a gate, we were to close the gate behind us. Nobody ever called the police on us.

We had to learn the hard way with those rules listed above. Oops, sorry again Mr. Brown,we didnt know those old cars were classics 😨


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18 March 2019 - 6:44pm

2 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to an area in Lincoln Township for a report of lost property. A 53-year-old Midland man said he lost his wallet when he got out of his vehicle to take a picture of a bird.

11:20 a.m. -- Deputies were dispatched to a residence in Mills Township in reference to a suspicious situation. Deputies made contact with a 37-year-old man who reported he believed somebody intentionally over-filled the oil in his vehicle more than three weeks ago. Instead of calling the police at the time of the incident, the man said he just went back to sleep, and only now felt the need to report the incident. The vehicle has no insurance or plates and had not been driven in years. The man was advised to set up video surveillance and to call in the case if another incident happens. No apparent damage had been done to the vehicle.


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19 March 2019 - 1:47pm
barbadosslim93 wrote:

2 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to an area in Lincoln Township for a report of lost property. A 53-year-old Midland man said he lost his wallet when he got out of his vehicle to take a picture of a bird.


There's not such thing as a free lunch...or a bird picture...I guess 🙂

barbadosslim93 wrote:

11:20 a.m. -- Deputies were dispatched to a residence in Mills Township in reference to a suspicious situation. Deputies made contact with a 37-year-old man who reported he believed somebody intentionally over-filled the oil in his vehicle more than three weeks ago. Instead of calling the police at the time of the incident, the man said he just went back to sleep, and only now felt the need to report the incident. The vehicle has no insurance or plates and had not been driven in years. The man was advised to set up video surveillance and to call in the case if another incident happens. No apparent damage had been done to the vehicle.

What!?! I mean.... What!?!

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22 March 2019 - 5:23pm

Yeah dude, I have no idea on some of these. They're crazy.

:47 p.m. -- A 77-year-old Jasper Township woman called to report a suspicious situation in which an unknown person had placed photos onto her cell phone, and someone had put a "bug" in her phone and her cat would look toward the window which she said meant someone was outside stalking her. The woman also said her video camera had captured a "shadow," but she no longer had the image of the shadow or the photos on her phone. She wanted detectives to come to her house with special equipment that could detect stalkers.


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23 March 2019 - 7:51pm

LoL...wont be too hard putting that into the crazy category...probably the main story there 🙂 ...too bad the shadow picture gone otherwise the detectives could of have a...lead!

But probably it's better if they talk to the cat first...she saw everything...isn't she!?!


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24 March 2019 - 9:17am
sharpe wrote:

LoL...wont be too hard putting that into the crazy category...probably the main story there 🙂 ...too bad the shadow picture gone otherwise the detectives could of have a...lead!

But probably it's better if they talk to the cat first...she saw everything...isn't she!?!

Lol I'm with sharpe on this one, the cats the key to breaking this one wide open and finally catching a shadow, I'm guessing they accomplish this sometime around daybreak


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29 March 2019 - 3:36pm

8:37 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to the MidMichigan Medical Center emergency room in reference a bat bite. A 27-year-old Midland Township man said he was bitten by a bat. The bat was retrieved and turned over to Animal Control for further investigation.

8:22 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to a Greendale Township residence for a report of a breaking and entering. The 56-year-old man who owned the home said he suspects his 23-year-old son of kicking in his door. There was nothing stolen, but the bathroom had been used. The victim did not wish to pursue any charges, but wanted his son spoken to. The son was contacted and denied any involvement. The father stated he will be putting up cameras in the future.

I wonder if this story is the same guy who said he was going to "blow up" the Home Depot bathroom...


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29 March 2019 - 9:43pm

8:37 p.m. -- A deputy was dispatched to the MidMichigan Medical Center emergency room in reference a bat bite. A 27-year-old Midland Township man said he was bitten by a bat. The bat was retrieved and turned over to Animal Control for further investigation.

I'm having somewhat of a bat-phobia it weird that I like Batman!?! Probably because he doesn't byte people! 😜


The 56-year-old man who owned the home said he suspects his 23-year-old son of kicking in his door. There was nothing stolen, but the bathroom had been used.



The father stated he will be putting up cameras in the future.

Interesting idea...cameras in the bath...someone might not fancy that...his wife for example 😉


I wonder if this story is the same guy who said he was going to "blow up" the Home Depot bathroom...

LoL..seems likely anyway.

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1 April 2019 - 6:11am

LOL it has to be the home depot guy. I told you that you all weren't safe!

Let's hope he wasn't the same guy who got bitten by the bat... you could have a bathroom destroying vampire on the loose.

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1 April 2019 - 7:54am

"having somewhat of a bat-phobia it weird that I like Batman!?! Probably because he doesn't byte people! Tongue"

Bats are like mice with wings, I can't stand mice, and mice with wings are way worse. But like every bat conversation like this has to have someone chime in and tell everybody how many of the annoying bugs they eat, mosquitoes come to mind lol

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1 April 2019 - 9:00pm

Bats are like mice with wings, I can't stand mice, and mice with wings are way worse.

Yeah man..that's my point as well...Grrrr...


But like every bat conversation like this has to have someone chime in and tell everybody how many of the annoying bugs they eat, mosquitoes come to mind lol

Well..I guess we have to give em that...but still ...I'd prefer to be bitten by mosquito..than a bat 🧛

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2 April 2019 - 6:31am

"Well..I guess we have to give em that...but still ...I'd prefer to be bitten by mosquito..than a bat Vampire"

You and me both sharpe lol, but mosquitoes have never really bothered me, no clue as to why, living in the country most my life, I would come across bats, hanging from the roofs, stuck to the sides of the house, the trees, even behind my side view mirror of my truck once. Freaked me right out for a few seconds when I caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eyes after hopping in my truck haha


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2 April 2019 - 8:44am

but mosquitoes have never really bothered me, no clue as to why, living in the country most my life

Probably because you taste like s**t Kris 😜

But they're not too fancy about me either so... 😂 just the flies 😉

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2 April 2019 - 9:43am
sharpe wrote:

Probably because you taste like s**t Kris 😜

But they're not too fancy about me either so... 😂 just the flies 😉

Lol right on, I never thought of that as a possibility, but if mosquitoes think I taste like sh** then I welcome that fact haha
