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3 November 2012 - 11:21pm

Anyone know anything about CAMERAS?

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Hi Friends!

I have been having issues with uploading photos to my computer with the connector wire thingy (shows how much I know, lol). When I used to connect it to my computer, I had zero issues, and I could upload everything just fine. Now when I do it, the box always pops up and says, "Select the Program You would like to launch for this action." The problem is the box is always now EMPTY, so there is nothing to select. I really need to get my photos off my camera, organize them, get prints of a bunch (which was my goal for the month of AUGUST believe it or not, lol), but this issue is getting in the way, PLUS driving me crazy.

I bought one of those card readers, and I haven't tried that yet, but does anyone have any ideas for me when using the cord?

I did just have my hard drive replaced, but the thing is this was happening BEFORE I had it replaced. Still, I tried to go download the Kodak Software and/or update, thinking maybe that was an issue and the Kodak site says, "Download no longer available. Continue using the software already downloaded in your computer." WHAT? That is ridiculous! I am not a happy camper or thrilled with Kodak right now.

They even have "download the software," in several of their instructions as one of the steps, but then you go to that step and you are not allowed to download the software because they don't make it available to their customers? Makes no sense at all! 😢

I just want to get ALL my photos OFF my camera, store them somewhere SAFE, sort through them, delete the ones I don't need, then order prints to share with others and for myself. I haven't done this in literally years, and I always fear losing all my pics. I do have many stored on my computer, but I have taken several since the last upload. Then I want to clear all the pics off the camera and start over.

I found something on a few other sites, but I hate trusting sites I am not sure about, like this one, for example. Still searching

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5 November 2012 - 3:44am

Check your "Devices and Printer". You may need to add this device, if you have changed or update any? It should give you an option to erase your photos from your camera when you upload.

Try Flickr or Picasa 3

Forum AngelForum Angel
hope777's picture
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5 November 2012 - 6:51pm

I am really afraid to delete my pictures, because now it is not uploading them all. I put in the Kodak Easy Share software, but now I don't like it. I think I am going to find someone to help me, because I am SO afraid of losing all my photos I took a pic of some boots I am trying to sell (for the Otis fund), and the software uploading a ton of my photos,but not the last several I took. PLUS the software SUCKS, because it keep crashing and closing when i try to sort through the photos.

I am just going to wait until I meet with my computer guy and see if he will help me.