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14 April 2012 - 5:47pm

*NEW* Marry, Date, or Dump

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Hello Casino Listings Friends,

This one is easy! Just list three famous people (or infamous people, lol), and the next person has to decide which person they would 1)marry, 2)date, 3)or dump. I will list three men and three women, so all can play (and please do the same when it is your turn).

1)Denzel Washington
2)George Clooney
3)Robert Downy Jr.

1)Julia Roberts
2)Lady Gaga
3)Halley Barry

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16 April 2012 - 2:32am

Bump! 🙂

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16 April 2012 - 4:15am

Wow, I don't want to marry any of those people. 😢 I will play along though.

1)Denzel Washington date
2)George Clooney marry
3)Robert Downy Jr. dump

Ok, I'm going to use your women if that's ok for the men again.

1)Julia Roberts
2)Lady Gaga
3)Halley Barry

1. Elton John
2. Paul McCartney
3. Tom Cruise

Ok, I know these aren't the best choices, but I will try to do better the next turn.

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16 April 2012 - 5:21am

Marry: Elton John (I could be his beard, lol!)
Date: Paul McCartney
Dump: Tom Cruise

And, yes, we can use the same women until (when and IF) a male wants to play along. 🙂

1)Julia Roberts
2)Lady Gaga
3)Halley Barry

1) Ryan Seacrest
2) Simon Cowell
3) Randy Jackson


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16 April 2012 - 8:57am

Marry: Ryan Seacrest
Date: Simon Cowell
Dump: Randy Jackson ( not actually dump but just not my choice... LOL 🙂 )

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16 April 2012 - 5:27pm
imtheone wrote:

Marry: Ryan Seacrest
Date: Simon Cowell
Dump: Randy Jackson ( not actually dump but just not my choice... LOL 🙂 )

Some people play it, "Wed, Bed, or Throw off a cliff," but I prefer Marry, Date, or Dump, because there are some I would dump but not throw off a cliff, lol! Also, some I would date but not bed. haha!

Thanks for playing, Imtheone! Now please add three more men for the next player and you can use the same women or make up three more if you prefer (in case some men come in an play).
Thanks! 🙂

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16 April 2012 - 9:37pm
imtheone wrote:

Marry: Ryan Seacrest
Date: Simon Cowell
Dump: Randy Jackson ( not actually dump but just not my choice... LOL 🙂 )

I am going to list three more to keep this going, Imtheone, but when you come back, PLEASE feel free to list your own, and the next player can answer two. We are flexible with the games, easy rules, lol.

Okay. Here is another one for the women:

1. Robert Redford
2. Sam Elliot
3. Tommy Lee Jones


1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

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16 April 2012 - 9:38pm
imtheone wrote:

Marry: Ryan Seacrest
Date: Simon Cowell
Dump: Randy Jackson ( not actually dump but just not my choice... LOL 🙂 )

Smart choice! ! Ryan Seacrest has oodles and oodles of $$$$$, and I hear he is a really nice guy! 😉

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17 April 2012 - 12:59am

Marry 1. Robert Redford always liked him but he's getting old now
Date 2. Sam Elliot used to be sexy but getting too old for me
Dump 3. Tommy Lee Jones never cared for him....yuk

1. Brad Pitt
2. Larry King
3. David Letterman


1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

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17 April 2012 - 2:01am

My SIL ADORES Sam Elliot. My "old man crush" has always been Tommy Lee Jones, lol! I LOVED him in Blue Sky with Jessica Lange. I think that is where the "crush" developed. I absolutely love his acting. I loved him in No Country for Old Men which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Different strokes for different folks. lol

Oh Boy. Yours are difficult, because I don't like any of those three at all! Given the choices:
1. Marry Brad Pitt (who I do NOT like!)
2. Date Larry King just for shits and giggles, although I hear he farts on air, lol
3. Dump David Letterman, just because I DO think he is funny on his show, but as a person he gives me the creeps.

1. Eminem
2. Snoop Dog
3. Chris Rock

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

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17 April 2012 - 3:44am

1. Eminem---Date, I think he is really talented although I don't always like the content of his songs.
2. Snoop Dog.......Dump
3. Chris Rock...Marry, he would keep me laughing and who doesn't need that?

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Dr. Oz
2. Leonardo DiCaprio
3. Peewee Herman

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17 April 2012 - 7:15pm

LOL, now those are quite the choices.

Marry: Leonardo DiCaprio
Date: Peewee Herman (just for the fun of it)
Dump: Dr. Oz (I don't know anything about him, lol).

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Bruce Springstein
2. Jerry Seinfeld
3. Mick Jagger

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18 April 2012 - 9:45am

Your choices are much better.
Marry 1. Bruce Springstein I always loved him.
Date 2. Jerry Seinfeld Laughter is good.
Dump 3. Mick Jagger He has too many miles on him.

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Ben Affleck (born 1972)
2. Danny Aiello (born 1933)
3. Alan Alda (born 1936)

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18 April 2012 - 4:11pm

1. Marry Alan Alda
2. Date Ben Affleck
3. Dump: Danny Aiello (because I know little to nothing about him, but he does look familiar)

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Matt Damon (Ben's friend, lol)
2. Mark Anthony (J Lo's ex)
3. Steven Tyler

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8 May 2012 - 4:21am

1. Matt Damon (Ben's friend, lol) marry
2. Mark Anthony (J Lo's ex) dump
3. Steven Tyler date

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Russel Crowe
2. Brendan Fraser
3. Vince Vaughn

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8 May 2012 - 5:25pm

Marry: Vince Vaughn
Date: Brendan Fraser
Dump: Russel Crowe

1. Lady Gaga
2. Julia Roberts
3. Halley Barry

1. Bruce Springstein
2. Eric Clapton
3. Billy Joel