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15 March 2012 - 2:19pm

FIFA Video Game

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Ok, so I am a marginal soccer fan. I like the game, but it is kind of hard for me to catch Premier League games a lot due to the time change.

I am trying my hand at the FIFA video game on my PS3, but I am not very good. I have to play the game at its easiest setting in order to compete. If I turn it up even one setting I lose 0-3 or worse.

Do any of you play this game? What general soccer tips can you give a guy for trying to get into the offensive side of the pitch (right term?)? I generally try to carry it to the outside of the field and then take it up and when I hit the last 1/3 of the field try a centering pass.... this is generally met with bad interceptions.

I could sure use some tips!

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hope777's picture
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17 March 2012 - 6:47pm

So sorry I cannot help here. I am TERRIBLE at video games. My sons used to beg me to play just so they could laugh at me, lol! I told them I was a Pokemon expert, when in fact, I am not. hahaha! I did used to love to play Pokemon Stadium, lol! My son plays mainly the shoot em up games, and sometimes football. Are there tips online? I bet there are forums and such. 🙂

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16 April 2012 - 5:27am

Man I haven't played the FIFA games for years. I used to play them religiously. Then I discovered Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) and switched and never went back. PES was far more realistic and for a soccer nut like myself the game just felt more right. But from what I have heard the new FIFAs are supposed to be quite good these days.

Without having played it, the best tip I can give is to always keep the ball. Be patient and wait for the opportunity to open up instead of trying to force things all the time. And if they still have special controls for doing a 1-2 pass or through ball, practice those as they are usually the best way to open up a defence.

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23 April 2012 - 4:26pm

I gave FIFA a go on the PS Vita and loved it.

The Vita has a rear touch screen, so if you are breaking in on the goal or passing it throughout the box, you can touch the rear screen and that is where your player will kick the ball.

Depending on how good your player is determines how accurate the shot is. Also, if you hold the rear screen longer, the harder the shot is.

Pretty slick graphics too. Just like the PS3... and they even have the real gambling companies on the shirts. You don't get that on a lot of US sports games, as they are petrified to show any beer, tobacco, or gambling companies in their games.

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14 May 2012 - 5:29am

Its not too hard as you are assuming it,simply try again and again,untill you get succeed.

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24 September 2012 - 6:02pm

I just played the demo for both new games, and I have to say that I am sticking with FIFA.

The new game physics were awesome with ball speed and such and I just found it more fun. The game comes out tomorrow and I want it SOOOO bad!

I wish I didn't have a boatload of bills due at the end of the month. I guess I will just try to rent it and keep it for as long as possible. 🙂

Thank goodness soccer isn't that popular over here yet.