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18 October 2011 - 10:36am

Poker ODDS - Cheat Sheet??

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I am looking for a cheat sheet to study. Example....

AKo VS. 4,4 (small Pair)
9,9 VS. K,J


J,J VS. Flush Draw
A,K VS. Gut Shot with 2 over Cards

Here's the kicker though. I found a ton of these lists in % form. But I am looking for a list that's in x/x form. Yes, I know...I

could get a calculator. But any help or lists sent would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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19 October 2011 - 3:09am

The ones I have seen are always in percentages.

I think you're going to have to break out that calculator!

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19 October 2011 - 11:26am
CL-Ed wrote:

I think you're going to have to break out that calculator!


Not just the ones you have seen CL-Ed, but all the numbers expressing odds and probabilities are either in percentages, or at least in ratios.....