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6 August 2011 - 9:04am

how to gain weight?

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I'm 1.64m tall and weigh only 41 kilos. Have no health problems, my parents just the same.

can you advice some diets for gaining kilos?

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6 August 2011 - 6:42pm

Hi Sophia,

Now HERE is a topic I can relate to! I am very much under weight, and after three years of struggling to gain back weight from a previous, drastic weight loss, I had surgery in December and have been on a downward spiral ever since. You obviously have a high metabolism, but make sure you also have your thyroid and adrenals checked. My adrenals are completely shot, and that is from a disease that I am currently fighting.

At 5'7" and 111 pounds (was down to 109 last month!) I do NOT like how thin I am. I am comfortable at 125 pounds, even though many tell me I am too thin, even when I was able to gain weight back up to 125 before the surgery. Before that, I weighed around 135, which is much healthier. I feel most comfortable between 125 and 130 pounds.

My BMI is ridiculously low!

I have been at both ends of the spectrum, as I struggled with weight GAIN in the past (as a child and as a teen and young adult). So, I understand how frustrating BOTH can be.

I have to eat TONS of food just to maintain my weight, and fortunately, I love to eat and I eat several small meals throughout the day.

My advice? PROTEIN. Get in as much protein as you can. If you can eat pasta, that is good, too, but don't overdo the carbs. I am on a gluten free, sugar free diet, due to my health, making it harder to gain weight. I try to eat a lot of protein, and in addition I eat coounut butter (high calories) gluten free, sugar free protein drinks, NUTS are very good for you and high calorie, avocado, nut butters, like real peanut butter, cashew butter, etc. Make your own smoothies and throw in a protein drink and avoid a lot of empty calories and high sugar foods. Cooking with coconut oil is also good, but be careful it splatters when heated to too high a temp.

It is tempting for me to eat whatever I want, because I need to gain weight, so no holds barred, right? lol! I discovered that is NOT the way to do it, so lots of meats (hope you are not a vegetarian), throw them in the crock pot or whatever.

If I think of anything else, I will let you know. I feel for you and completely understand!


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6 August 2011 - 9:57pm

I was researching the matter today and read that there are only 2% who suffer from low weight...

I've heard about proteins..I wonder if there are some pills that have no side effects and contain them?

I have no health problems, I'm not a vegetarian either..

Just can not get any fatter... and it's terrible!

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7 August 2011 - 4:40am

I'm pretty lean and lightweight for a man, but not that light! (BMI around 21). Since I was young I have been able to eat what I want and I never put on any weight. So I can't help you there!

I saw a show on TV a few weeks ago where they got a group of people to eat way too much every day and studied how quickly they gained weight. And the interesting thing is that some of the group hardly gained anything. The scientists think that it is very likely that there is a gene that controls weight gain, but also how your body feels when you eat. They think people who gain lots of weight do so because their body feels great when they eat, its like a drug to them, whereas if you have this "thin gene" you just eat what you need and thats it, and you don't have a compulsion to eat more.

But anyway Sophia I would seriously consider going to see a doctor or nutritionist - as they should be able to give some advice specific to you.

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7 August 2011 - 8:41am

I've been to the doctor, made all the investigations but no problems with my health... I maybe have that "thin" gene.. who knows....

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8 August 2011 - 5:13pm

Either way, we should choose foods that are nutrient-dense instead of settling for high-calorie junk foods. Foods that are both energy- and nutrient-dense include legumes, nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados. We may also want to increase your consumption of dairy products, meats, seafood and poultry. Use seasoning blends, herbs and spices to add flavor and aroma - that's what a friend of mine recommended...

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9 August 2011 - 12:47am

I do believe that some of us just have different metabolisms. Myself, there was a period of time that I practically had to STARVE myself to lose and ounce (I was roughly 30 pounds higher than I wanted to be, so never obese but just not comfortable) then periods of time that I could eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce. A few years ago, things started getting more serious and now found mine is directly related to my health and most specifically my adrenal system. Docs were so puzzled that she sent me to the Endocrinolist THREE separate times because she was convinced it was my thyroid.

Unlike many, I lost AFTER I had my children and I joked it was from chasing them around. I lost during times of stress, but all while eating like a horse. My brother thought I was anorexic or bulemic because he could not believe I could eat so darn much and not gain weight, lol, like a bottomless pit.

My biggest problem now is being off sugar and gluten and still trying to GAIN. I am someone who was used to eating whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted and whenever I wanted, but not always healthy choices.

So, just as I suggested, sounds like your friend suggested the same. Stay away from sugar. It paralyzes our immune systems. LOTS of protein: not in a pill but through meats and legumes, nuts and nut butters. Coconut butter, if you like it is very high caloric in just a Tablespoon or two a day will help. Or add it to smoothies. If you don't want to EAT a lot of protein look for LOW SUGAR protein drinks. There are MANY good ones out there now. And nuts are the best! So are avocados, as I mentioned before. I like how your friend mentioned the seasonings. Very important!

It CAN get expensive to practice what I preach but I am trying. I really don't like being as thin as I am . I would like to find a middle ground someday...again!

Good luck, Sophia!

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9 August 2011 - 12:50am

Hey Sophia!

One more thing, because I want to help, because I have the same issues! πŸ™‚

I think this is a great article, along with suggestions for NATURALS and supplements that can help to gain weight:

This article ALSO suggests the "protein powders." Let me know what you think. And, again, good luck!

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9 August 2011 - 1:08am

Here are a few resources that list specific, high calorie foods, then I will stop posting, lol.

Here is a good one that talks about low sugar protein shakes. I get my gluten free, sugar free ones at Trader Joes (health food/organic store):

Here is what the above site says about sneaking in more calories:

For example, a post workout shake containing 40 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fat would provide almost 500 calories. If you wanted even more calories, you could mix the powder in juice instead of water and also add flaxseed oil.


Don’t be afraid of adding some fat to your diet, just ensure it’s no more then 15-25% of your total calories. Some of the β€œgood” fats will actually help you to gain weight. Most importantly – just because you need to eat more calories doesn’t give you permission to stuff yourself with unhealthy foods.

Just as we talked about. Those healthy fats like the coconut oil, nuts and nut butters and avocados.

Sorry for rambling on, but this topic hits close to home, as I am struggling with this issue for many years and especially since my surgery in December after losing all I had gained and more.

Let me know if you find any more tips, Sophia. I am always willing and anxious to learn more.

Good luck, Sweetie! πŸ™‚

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9 August 2011 - 5:29pm

wooow hope777,

thank you so much!

I just don't know how to express , you've been very helpful.

the links you provided really help a lot, but your support helps even more!

I'm going to see the doctor these days, will keep you updated. And if I find some good diet, I'll share it with you too.

thank you once more


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10 August 2011 - 12:30am

I agree with hope. Great advice!

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11 August 2011 - 1:33pm

Just forwarded your advice onto one of my friends who asked this very question πŸ™‚

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12 August 2011 - 6:29pm

Sophia, you are more than welcome. This topic hits very close to home. Many people have no sympathy for those of us who want to GAIN weight.

Keep us posted on what you find out at the doctor, and I look forward to anything you can share with me, too!

My sons are constantly worrying and stressing over my size and telling me to eat (mom, too, lol). I sometimes feel like the "Incredible Shrinking Woman, or the character in the Stephen King book/movie, "Thinner," (gypsy put a curse on him to keep losing weight).

So glad I did not overwhelm you. I get a little carried away with researching, lol, and I really do want to help, because I am in the same boat.

Keep us posted! πŸ™‚

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5 September 2011 - 11:21am

Hmm I've never known anyone with the same problem, most of the women complain about being fat and search for advice on how to Lose Kilos, not gain.. Strange thing.. All I can say to anyone with the same problem is to go to the doctor- you may have some worms in the stomach who eat everything for you πŸ™‚

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9 September 2011 - 10:12am

oh, my friend just has the same problem, thus she is only 38 kilos πŸ˜€) and she was on a special diet to gain weight, but abandoned it, because she thought when she was eating bananas (as a part of the diet), she was made more and more hungry πŸ˜€))))

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9 September 2011 - 10:52am

🚬 hi there, one of my friends also claims that, this is what I've found recently:

Another article says it might be a sign of diabetics, well, we never know -

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9 September 2011 - 11:49am

Anyway, it's good to know that your friend is not alone and there are some other, maybe "chosen ones", who experience the same πŸ˜‚

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9 September 2011 - 11:57am

Ok, I will tell this to my friend, but anyway, she was already laughed at πŸ˜€

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9 September 2011 - 12:01pm

I think there is nothing funny about the story, but still. I remember one in the English class we dedicated a poem to the teacher who's called Manana - the poem ended with the words she said she'd never forget -
"...really love you Miss Manana
more than monkey loves Banana!" 🌹

Anyway, still far from the topic, I know that bananas contain proteins a lot and it is quite effective when one wants to gain wight...

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22 September 2011 - 7:14am

My friend recommended to eat at night hours as you eat for the dinner and you will gain more than 5 kilos per week πŸ˜€) I have overweight problems, so I haven't tested this method personally, but πŸ˜€

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23 September 2011 - 11:02am

For someone, who's getting hungry after eating bananas, eating at night hours I guess won't be the solution LOL

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23 September 2011 - 1:50pm

I think that she would lose more weight by eating πŸ˜€)

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10 October 2011 - 6:10pm

i know one girl called "spichka" has this problem
it`s not of cource PROBLEM but she want to be more higher and weighter πŸ˜‚:D

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11 October 2011 - 6:58am

spichka as I know means matchstick, doesn't? πŸ˜€ really funny

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11 October 2011 - 9:39am

I hope in 2037 no one will suffer from weight problems any more πŸ˜‚

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19 October 2011 - 6:16pm

I think Mr Jemal would like that joke πŸ˜‚ he is the master of humor parties in my country

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19 October 2011 - 8:51pm

Oh how i wish i had the "thin gene" and needed to eat to put on weight! I have to watch every of morsel of food i put in my mouth or i gain weight in a heart beat. I have to admit i love food and really have to pay the piper in working out to offset the extra calories but it is well worth it.

Now where did put that Cadbury chocolate bar!

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20 October 2011 - 7:04am

πŸ˜€))) I'm like you, actually, I love chocolates, croissants, Nutella and etc, everything that has plenty of calories 😒

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20 October 2011 - 8:20am

I am lucky enough to have that "thin" gene, I can eat chocolates, croissants, Nutella , ice cream, pastry and so on with no limits anytime and my weight stays the same πŸ™‚

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20 October 2011 - 9:14am

I'm a bit jealous of you πŸ˜•

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20 October 2011 - 9:36am
GambleMaster wrote:

I am lucky enough to have that "thin" gene, I can eat chocolates, croissants, Nutella , ice cream, pastry and so on with no limits anytime and my weight stays the same πŸ™‚

yes me too and my sister is jealous of it πŸ˜‚:D