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26 May 2011 - 10:44am

Which poker site and book to choose for a beginning player?

2 replies • Last post

Hi there.

I've been playing recreational poker for a little year now, and decided to take my poker game to the next level.

Until now I've been playing 2nl on Stars, but with no serious framework of study or proper bankroll management. I want to study poker more seriously now, cause else, I feel I'm just wasting my time and money, if I continue my mindless grinding style

So I have a couple of questions I hope you could answer for me, should I stay at Stars and play the 2nl, however with proper bankroll management, and build my way up, or is there another site better suited for a beginning microstakes player? I'm living within EU. Should I think of rakeback deals at this level, cause I know that's not possible on Stars?

In addition I want to get all my basics right, and I like to study the game within a coherent framework, instead of reading random posts only, so I've decided to invest some money in some poker litterature and it seems, that most places recommend The Poker Blueprint, Easy Game Vol 1, or Harrington on Online Cash Games? Which one would be better suited at my level, if I plan to play 6 max on 2nl?

Thanks in advance

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9 September 2011 - 10:16am

ooh, that's the topic I'm really interested in 🙂 Hope professionals would give you good advises, so I would also consider them 😉

Low RollerLow Roller
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9 September 2011 - 8:22pm

just play fb poker or flonga poker . just to learn how to play