Nordea payments at online casinos
The service of interest to online gamers is the e-payment method offered by the bank to its customers. It functions just like any e-payment service linked to a bank: Customers must first sign up for the service and link it to their Nordea bank accounts. They may then use the service to execute online transactions with any service provider that has been cleared by Nordea itself. It really does not get any more simple than this.
This is a particularly useful service for gamers who are already customers of Nordea’s. Using the bank’s online payment platform completely eliminates the need to sign up for a separate e-wallet service. Conversely, there may be little incentive for those who are not already with the bank to use its e-payment service as it would require opening an account with the bank itself. The bottom line is that those who already with the bank, or live in one of its countries of operation and are considering switching to the bank for other reasons, should strongly consider using Nordea. It does not seem to be a particularly sensible option for others, however.